The Complete Thomas Troward Collection
The result of studying his works is to gain an intense understanding of the underlying laws this universe operates from, quite apart from personal revelations which are welcome distractions as you read.
I’ve collected these works from years of research. I found that Troward was a singular source-point for a great deal, if not all, of American self-help classics. Charles F. Haanel (Master Key System) and Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich, Law of Success) both quote Troward and amplify the underlying principles he stated in his lectures, as well as other writings. So in this collection, you have the original works which greatly forwarded the New Thought philosophic movement. Historically, had Troward been absent, New Thought would not have gained the impetus and presence it has enjoyed up to the present.
Another point to keep in mind is that Troward wrote from a decidedly Christian view. All his comparatives are with and against Biblical references, ultimately. While he learned Eastern languages and studied all the Indian religions’ Bibles in that native language (and the Jewish and Christian Bibles in Hebrew and Greek), he lectured in the Queen’s English. So for a modern American to try to simply read his works can be tantamount to trying to understand original Shakespeare straight up. There is my reason for suggesting study, not reading. The only simpler approach I would suggest is to read Hill, then Haanel, then Troward. This backwards approach gives you progressively more difficult English to work through while you already have the simple principles to hand. While you can read Hill a page at a time, Haanel is best studied by the paragraph. Troward seems best digested by the sentence. With these caveats in mind, the depth of Troward’s understanding will then be more fully accessible to you.
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Thomas Troward was Her Majesty’s Assistant Commissioner and later Divisional Judge of the North Indian Punjab from 1869 until his retirement in 1896. It is this later period for which he is best remembered and most celebrated; in it he was at last able to devote himself to his great interest in metaphysical and esoteric studies.
He had already thoroughly digested all of the sacred books of the oriental religions and they had certainly influenced his spiritual ideas. While in India, he learned the language of the country.
He studied all of the bibles of the world, including the Koran, Hindu scriptures and books of Raja Yoga. His studies in original Hebrew provided the foundation for his book, Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning.
The philosopher William James characterized Troward’s Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science as "far and away the ablest statement of philosophy I have met, beautiful in its sustained clearness of thought and style, a really classic statement."
On May 16, 1916, at the age of 69, Thomas Troward passed from this plane. He will be recognized in history as a contributing influence to Religious Science, the New Thought Movement in the United States and Great Britain, and also, to some extent, to the more liberal ideas of the Church of England.
This book contains the full text of:
- The Edinburgh Lectures
- The Dore Lectures
- The Creative Process in the Individual
- The Law and the Word
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Complete Thomas Troward Collection
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