Just released: Nearly all of the Huna Series by Max Freedom Long.
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(Photo: elvispresleypedia.com) |
Recovering the Ancient Magic
Introduction to Huna
The Secret Science Behind Miracles
Secret Science at Work
Growing into Light
Just found that except for two, all of Long's books are in the public domain. (And one of those two might be an orphan, since the publisher doesn't seem to exist anymore...)
So I did some work and gave them all new covers and some editing so you can have a (near) complete set.
The reason for republishing these books was to give them a new face and a unified look - so anyone finding one of them could collect the whole set.
I couldn't find any one publisher who had them all, just one or two. So a little work puts these back into reach of anyone and everyone who is interested.
Max Freedom Long
(October 26, 1890 – September 23, 1971)
Note: all publishing dates courtesy of Wikipedia, except as linked.
Discovering the Ancient Magic,
first published 1936, later republished as Recovering the Ancient Magic in 1978.AFTER an eighteen-year study of Magic in its various forms—not the spurious magic of the stage, but the genuine magic that works miracles—I come as a layman to report my findings to other laymen.
Fourteen years of my study have been spent largely in Hawaii endeavoring to penetrate beyond the externals of native magic and discover its basic secret. I have been trying to learn the very secret of secrets which is guarded so carefully by those who know it.
Months and years slipped by. I accumulated more and more data concerning the externals of kahuna magic. From that data I constructed theory after theory only to be forced to discard each in turn. I drew on psychology, psychic research, spiritualism, religions of all ages and kinds. I gathered more data, sorting and sorting, trying to match this odd bit with that, trying always to find some clue to the secret of power.
And only when logic has been applied to the familiar can we come to the unfamiliar without some complexed belief promptly blinding us and making it impossible to judge with any degree of accuracy
It is my hope that those wiser than myself may be able to correct my theories, add what data I have been unable to uncover, and so help forward the full recovery of Magic toward the day when even the humblest of God’s children will be able to share in the bright heritage so long lost...
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eBook now available:
Trade paperback (6"x9", 173 pages) available on Lulu and soon on Amazon and all brick-and-mortar bookstores:
Introduction to Huna
originally published 1945 DURING THE past century investigations have been made of native magic in Africa, India and other parts of the world. Spiritualistic phenomena have been certified as genuine and studied painstakingly by over a hundred recognized scientists. Religions have been surveyed and the instant or nearly instant miraculous healing at Lourdes verified.
But from all these studies and efforts there has come nothing faintly resembling a definite basic system, philosophy, theory, or psycho-religious science which would explain, even in the most general terms, the phenomena of the various fields. In fact, investigations in these fields began to arrive at a stalemate several years ago. New discoveries have been conspicuously lacking.
Meanwhile, in the years following 1880, in the little noticed field of Polynesia, there was begun an investigation which, after seventy years, has at last produced a general theory that promises to break the stalemate and provide answers for a host of puzzling questions.
Efforts to apply the basic system and duplicate the most valued parts of kahuna practice, are expected to correct errors and to make possible the further perfecting of the system.
A much fuller and more detailed account of the long investigation is planned when the last stage—the experimental stage—has added its quota.
(From Part 1)
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eBook now available:
Trade paperback (6"x9", 173 pages) available on Lulu and soon on Amazon and all brick-and-mortar bookstores:
The Secret Science Behind Miracles,
first published 1948Huna is a funny thing to study. It doesn't act like other Western studies, in that you have a beginning-middle-end. Nor it is Eastern, where guru's abound and are necessary to find your way.
Huna seems to be there at every turn, much as the old Kahuna's would teach their students. “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” Students wouldn't be told what to study or how. There were no books, study guides, quizzes, final exams, and so on.
The student, as life actually operates, must ask in order to receive. Unless the student poses the question, the teacher remains silent – well, mostly. But it's up to the student to search out questions which need to be asked.
Max Freedom Long tells his own story in the first part of this book. Because of his background in New Thought and psychology, he naturally gravitated to the native psycho-religious philosophy of Huna (his description.)
And because of his breakthrough in finding that the philosophy survived the eons because it had been secreted into the language itself.
When Long discovered Huna, he then found the base below all these other philosophies and the religions based on them. And so the light bulb came on and the explanations started rolling out.
So now you have in your hands a “missing link” to understanding the universe and all its workings. Bottom up or top down.
(From the Introduction.)
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eBook now available:
Trade paperback (6"x9", 173 pages) available on Lulu and soon on Amazon and all brick-and-mortar bookstores:
A Secret Science at Work,
first published 1953 The word kanuna is an ancient term and is in use today. It is pronounced "kah-hoo-nah" and meant "keeper of the secret." The word for their secret lore was never found. The role of secrecy had been so strong and so well kept that it may never have been given a name... The name we used, for this reason, was Huna (pronounced "hoo-nah"), which means "secret."
Enough basic information will be incorporated in this book to give a working picture of the system of beliefs and practices upon which experimental work has been based.
Interspersed with the instructions will be found explanations of the sources of conclusions, of symbols, words, and word-roots familiar to Huna, but which we also found in other religions, mainly Christianity. These will tend to show that the meanings ascribed to Huna are well founded.
That the same truth pervades all psycho-religious systems is apparent. The basic elements of Huna are part of the ancient wisdom found is some proportions in all religions. Huna is compatible with other systems. It interferes with none of them, but makes possible a greater understanding of the old truths.
(From the Introduction)
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eBook now available:
Trade paperback (6"x9", 173 pages) available on Lulu and soon on Amazon and all brick-and-mortar bookstores:
Growing into Light,
first published 1955I believe that you need what most of us need at one time or another in our approach to Huna. This is something to keep the low self as well as the middle self thinking progressively along Huna lines day by day. It means absorbing the great truths, putting them gradually to work, so that they become a part of one in the course of a few months.
Yes, I will gladly share with you the thoughts and ideas that have helped me to grow into Huna. I will give you the exercises and the affirmations which I have used, and I shall also try to be very simple in all that I have to say-but this will be hard. Only the very great have been able to attain simplicity, and I am not in that category. However, I have learned to see that when I encounter a smoke screen of long words, arguments, and pretensions to superior wisdom, the writer who has had the temerity to appoint himself to teach others is too often far from being great.
One thing alone I will ask of you: that you keep in mind the fact that I am not a teacher, and that what I may now believe to be the last word in true understanding may have to be changed later on, as the search progresses. I am a student trying to share with you what I have learned and am learning-what I have glimpsed as a bright vision of the things which may still be learned in the fullness of time.
(From the Introduction)
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eBook now available:
Trade paperback (6"x9", 173 pages) available on Lulu and soon on Amazon and all brick-and-mortar bookstores:
Self-Suggestion and The New Huna Theory of Mesmerism and Hypnosis,
first published 1958Using self-suggestion is a simple process which may be divided into three steps: First, quite naturally, one must decide what is to be suggested to the low self by the middle self - to the subconscious by the conscious mind self. Second, one relaxes the body, stills the trains of thought that may be running through the mind, and, when the low self is in this way made ready to accept suggestion, the third step is taken. This third step is to give the suggestion to the low self either aloud or silently.
One may succeed in getting some response from the low self on the very first attempt to use self-suggestion, but usually it takes a little period of practice before one gets a full and swift response.
Now let us elaborate and detail the steps. It is best to begin with something very simple and easy. If the ultimate goal is a hard one like breaking a habit such as that of smoking or overeating, it is best to wait until the low self has been taught by easy stages to accept suggestion on lesser things, and has, become accustomed to react properly to bring about little changes. One learns to crawl, then to walk, and then to run. An attempt to reverse the process and start with the running cannot help but be a waste of time.
(From Chapter 4)
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eBook now available:
Trade paperback (6"x9", 173 pages) available on Lulu and soon on Amazon and all brick-and-mortar bookstores:
Why are these in the public domain?
They were all published before 1964 and the copyright was not renewed. (See linked discussion at Wikipedia.)The "orphan" looks to be Huna Code in Religions, first published 1965. The publisher of this book may have disappeared with the reorganization after Long's death. So there is no one to contact who can actually claim
His final major book was "What Jesus Taught In Secret", published posthumously in 1983. Other books have been attributed to Long, but these 7 are the ones it looks like he directed to be published. The others are apparently from his work.
While even today there is controversy over his work, the reams of testimonials and successes point to a life well lived, and the many who were helped prove the worth of his works.
Please enjoy.